Saturday, June 15, 2013

More news on the chuisosauro

What is Chuisosauro?
It is nothing more and nothing less in the first contest, in which the site involved. This contest is brought to us by a member of ForoBeta, which makes it more interesting, as this forum is one of the best at speaking. (this is the scientific meaning).

Now we will give the true meaning What is Chuisosauro?
It is the first cousin of T-rex, accurate, and they hear that there are so many dinosaurs did not even know that this existed.
Chuisosauro as you will see in the following image, which is unique because it is the only one that has the
The man who discovered this Chuisosauro, Chuiso a researcher is usually all their research and discoveries made ​​online.
The great discovery of Chuisosauro has left many surprised as this dinosaur not exist, and what to read you, is not EXTINCT!.
So if you ever run into any Chuisosauro is better to stay away and find shelter.

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